ADXL203CE 高MEMS双轴加速度传感器

地区:湖北 武汉



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品牌:ADI 型号:ADXL203CE 种类:加速度 材料:混合物 材料物理性质:半导体 材料晶体结构:其他 制作工艺:集成 输出信号:数字型 线性度:0.01(%F.S.) 迟滞:0.01(%F.S.) 重复性:0.01(%F.S.) 灵敏度:1mg 分辨率:1mg

ADXL203CE *MEMS双轴加速度传感器,量程&plu*n;1.7 g,尺寸5 mm × 5 mm × 2 mm,8LCC封装

ADXL203 are high precision, low power, complete single- and dual-axis accelerometers with signal conditioned voltage outputs, all on a single, monolithic IC. The ADXL103/ADXL203 measure acceleration with a full-scale range of &plu*n;1.7 g. The ADXL103/ADXL203 can measure both dynamic acceleration (for example, vibration) and static acceleration (for example, gravity).

The t*ical noise floor is 110 µg/√Hz, allowing signals below 1 mg (0.06° of inclination) to be resolved in tilt sensing applications using narrow bandwidths (<60 Hz).

The user selects the bandwidth of the accelerometer using Capacitor CX and Capacitor CY at the XOUT and YOUT pins. Bandwidths of 0.5 Hz to 2.5 kHz may be selected to suit the application.

The ADXL203 are available in 5 mm × 5 mm × 2 mm, 8-pad hermetic LCC packages.
High performance, single-axis accelerometer on a single IC chip
5 mm × 5 mm × 2 mm LCC package
1 mg resolution at 60 Hz
Low power: 700 µA at VS = 5 V (t*ical)
High zero g bias stability
High sensitivity accuracy
–40°C to +125°C temperature range
X and Y axes aligned to within 0.1° (t*ical)
BW adjustment with a single capacitor
Single-supply operation
3500 g shock survival