供应氧气传感器 *
地区:北京 北京市
氧气传感器Oxygen Sensor 德国型号:JKY/M316058 | 货号: |
动态氧分压传感器是一种使用于多场合的*氧气传感器. 主要特点 用于多场合;测量精度高;耗电量小;无需参比气体;线性输出信号;无需温度稳定性;可在环境空气条件下进行功能测试和校准;使用寿命长 典型应用 采暖锅炉的控制;工业生产过程的控制;航空行业飞机机载氧气发生系统的控制;汽车排气的诊断;厂用仪表;*供氧设备;工业烟道;氧含量的检测;燃烧器氧含量检测;制氧机;潜艇氧仓;氧吧;船仓,气调保鲜存储行业的氧气测量;食品包装行业保护气体的检测;发酵工业中剩余氧气的检测;生产过程中的保护气体(焊接、热处理);实验设备;生物技术和*系统中氧气的测试;任何氧气浓缩需要准确测定的场合。 用户可以供氧气;检测环境空气中的氧气用户可以自行开发设计后续控制放大电路,也可使用原装*配套的控制器 氧化锆氧传感器有广泛的应用,*是在锅炉燃烧控制器,生物系统,农业和堆肥, *和实验室设备,储存易腐货物运输,氧气生成系统。 说明:由于工厂产品型号扩大范围,原系列命名系统不能*包含,为了型号的统一性工厂做了重新命名。 Oxygen Sensors Used in a wide variety of applications these Zirconia Dioxide oxygen sensors are the product of choice where reliability and accuracy are required. Numerous industries have used these oxygen sensors to improve the efficiency of their processes (Boiler controls, agriculture, composting, perishable good transportation) They posses a number of desirable attributes and are currently used in a wide range of applications. Benefits Applications: No Reference Gas required Boiler Combustion Controls High Accuracy Biom* Systems Unnaffected by Other G*es Agriculture and Composting Low Power Consumption Medical and Laboratory Equipment Temperature Range -100oC to +400oC Perishable Goods Storage and Transportation Very Robust and Long Life Oxygen Generation Systems Standard or Custom Housings Available Engine & MOT Test Emissions Maximise Efficiency/Reduce Emissions Oxygen Pressure Range 2mBAR to 3BAR Housing T*e Flange Mounted O2 Sensor (Data Sheet No.) Probe O2 Sensor (Data Sheet No.) Nut Mounted O2 Sensor (Data Sheet No.) Minature O2 Sensor (Data Sheet No.) Permissible Gas Temp. Range -100°C to +250°C Standard Temp. -100°C to +400°C High Temp. Step Response Time (10% to 90%) 15 Seconds Standard Response 4 Seconds Fast Response 分类:囯际直购 | 氧气传感器Oxygen Sensor 德国JKY/M316058 |