突跳式温度开关,是一种小型带外壳的双金属片温度开关,属温度继电器类器件.利用碟形双金属片在温度作用下产生*跳动的原理,通过机构的作用,使触点*动作,*断开或接通电路的目的.其工作温度固定,无须调整;动作*干脆,电弧小;使用寿命长;无线电干扰少. 额定电气参数:10A系列AC250V 10A/AC125V 15A(阻性负载) 15A系列AC250V 15A/AC125V18A(阻性负载) 弱电系列AC24V 0.5A/DC12V 0.25A 常态电气强度:AC 50Hz 2000V历时一分钟不击穿,无闪络. 常态*缘电阻:大于100MΩ 温控器的接点形式: 单刀单掷(S.P.S.T),分为五种类型:(突跳式温控器在室温35度时) 室温下接通,温度上升触点断开,温度下降触点接通 室温下接通,温度下降触点断开,温度上升触点接通. 室温下断开,温度上升触点接通,温度下降触点断开 室温下断开,温度下降触点接通,温度上升触点断开 室温下接通,温度上升触点断开,手动复位接通. KSD301 snap action thermostat is a *all-size bimetal thermostat series with a metal cap, which belongs to thrmalrelays’ family. The main principle is that one function of bimetal discs is snapping can push the action lf the contacts through the inside structure, then caused on of off the circuit finally. The main characteristics are the fixation of working temperature, the reliable snap action, less flashover, longer working life and less radio interference. Electric Ratings: AC250V 10A/AC 125V 15A (Resistive load) AC250V/15A (Resistive load) Electric Strength: No breakdown and flashover under AC 50HZ for one minute Insulation Resistance:>1000MΩ(with a DC500V mugger)