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   Rev A
 Stainless Steel Isolated Pressure Sensors 
General Description
These Honeywell compensated 13mm stainless steel devices were developed for high pressure applications that involve
measurement of hostile media in harsh environments. These sensors will accommodate any m edia that will not adversely
attack 316 stainless steel. This series uses Honeywell proven piezoresisitive semiconductor sens or chip in an oil isolated
housing with an integral ceramic for temperature compens ation and calibration. This design has proven to be highly
reliable, stable, and accurate.
The special 13C3000PS0L/SZ76387 version for Zibo features a special 6-inch Nomex ribbon cable instead of the
standard 2”, nylon spacer is placed between ceramic and header . All other specifications  are per the standard 13C
products. Contact your local Honeywell  representative for additional details.
Features Equivalent Circuit
•   Calibrated and Temperature Compensated 
•   6” Nomex cable
•   Nylon spacer is placed between ceramic and header 
•   Special for Zibo
Document Control Status
Revision  Date   Description
     A    March/15/11   Initial release
Drawing Approvals
   Printed Name / Title              Signature           Date
   Printed Name / Title              Signature           Date
*TE:  All SZ devices are non-cancelable, non-returnable.  Honeywell reserves the right to ship ± 10% to allow for
yield variances
   Rev A
Pressure Sensor Characteristics (all devices)
Environmental Specifications
 Compensated: 0° C to +82 ° C  Vibration:  10G at 20-2000 Hz
 Operating: -40° C to +125° C  Shock:  100G for 11 msec 
 Storage:  -40° C to +125° C  Life:  1 Million cycles minimum
      Insulation Resistance 100MΩ  at 50 Vdc
Maximum Ratings (all devices)
  Current Version “L”: Supply Current IS = +2.0 mA 
Pressure Range Specifications
PART #  *
Case Burst
13C3000PS0L/SZ76387  0-3000 psia  9000 psia  10,000 psia  10,000 psia
Performance Characteristics
Characteristic  Min  T*ical  Max  Units
Zero pressure offset  -2  0  +2  mV
--  ± 0.1  ± 0.25  %FSS
Full Scale Span (2)  98  100  102  mV
Pressure hysteresis
--  ± 0.015  ± 0.030  %FSS
Repeatability  --  ± 0.010  ± 0.030  %FSS
Temp. effect on span
--  ± 0.5  ± 1.0  %FSS
Temp. effect on offset
--  ± 0.5  ± 1.0  %FSS
Thermal hysteresis (0 to 82° C)  --  ± 0.1  ± 0.3  %FSS
Long term stability of offset & Span
--  ± 0.1  ± 0.3  %FSS
Response time (10% to 90%)
--  0.1  --  ms
Input impedance (Current Version “L”)  2.0  4.5  8.0  kΩ 
Output impedance  3.0  4.5  6.0  kΩ 
Specification Notes:
Note 1: Reference Conditions (unless otherwise noted): Supply, VS
=10 Vdc ± 0.01Vdc or I
S=1.5 mA ± 0.0015mA; Ta=25 ° C.
Note 2: Span is the algebraic difference between the output voltage at full scale pressu re and the output at zero pressure.
Full Scale Span (FSS) is ratiometric to the supply voltage.
Note 3: Linearity is based on *-fit straight line from the zero to the full scale pressure. Hysteresis is the maximum
output difference at any point within the operating pressure range for increasing and decreasing pressure.
Note 4: Maximum error band of the offset voltage or span over  the compensated temperature range, relative to the 25° C
Note 5: Long term stability over a six month period.
Note 6: Response time for a step change from the zero pressure to the full scale pressure.
Note 7: The maximum pressure that can be applied without  changing the transducer’s performance or accuracy.
Note 8: The maximum pressure that can be applied to a transducer without rupture of either  the sensing element or
transducer case.
Note 9: Common Mode Voltage as measured from output to ground.
   Rev A
Physical Dimensions                                            
Ordering Information:
Pressure Range:  0 to 3000 psia                Part Number:  13C3000PS0L/SZ76387
Note1: Non-concentricity effe cts at the diaphragm weld area may cause run out of up to ± 0.006” between the upper and
lower portions of the sensor body. (It is recommended to use a counter bore in t he mating bore used with this device to
allow for this non-concentricity.)
Honeywell reserves the right to make changes to any products herein. Honeywell does not *ume any liability arising out of the application or use of
any product or circuit described herein; nei ther does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. 

