The TPS767D3xx family of dual voltage regulators offers fast transient response, low dropout voltages and dual outputs in a compact package and incorporating stability with 10-µF low ESR output capacitors.
The TPS767D3xx family of dual voltage regulators is designed primarily for DSP applications. These devices can be used in any mixed-output voltage application, with each regulator supporting up to 1 A. Dual active-low reset signals allow resetting of core-logic and I/O separately.
Because the PMOS device behaves as a low-value resistor, the dropout voltage is very low (typically 350 mV at an output current of 1 A for the TPS767D325) and is directly proportional to the output current. Additionally, since the PMOS pass element is a voltage-driven device, the quiescent current is very low and independent of output loading (typically 85 µA over the full range of output current, 0 mA to 1 A).