The Agilent HP 8566B refurbished spectrum *yzer is for bench-* or ATE use, 安捷伦惠普8566b翻新的频谱分析仪是用于台式顶部或吃用,
The HP 8566B is a versatile instrument with many applications, such as EMC testing, broadband signal surveillance, and component stimulus-response testing. 惠普8566b是一种多功能工具,许多应用,如EMC测试,宽带信号监测工作,并组成刺激-反应测试。
The exceptional stability of the HP 8566B allows measurements with a 10 Hz resolution bandwidth. *的稳定惠普8566b允许测量与10赫兹决议带宽。 The narrow resolution bandwidth yields sensitivities to 135 dBm. 狭义决议带宽殖利率敏感性,以135 dBm的。 Multiple traces can be displayed to measure residual FM or drift, or to conduct real-time surveillance over a wide frequency range. 多重痕迹可显示测量残余调频或漂流,或进行实时*很宽的频率范围内工作。
By adding an HP-IB plotter, such as an HP 7550A, 8-pen color plotter, a hard copy of all information on the display of the spectrum *yzer can be made for *ysis, documentation, or presentation. 加入惠普兴业绘图机,如惠普7550a , 8笔彩色绘图仪,硬拷贝的*资料,在显示器上的频谱分析仪,可用于分析,记录,或演示。 Plots can be produced directly or with the aid of a controller. 情节可以产生直接或同援助的一个控制器。 |