德州仪器的*低功耗轨至轨输出全差动放大器集成电路 THS4521ID 和 THS4521IDGK
Very Low Power, Negative Rail Input, Rail-to-Rail Output, Fully Differential Amp
The THS4521, THS4522, and THS4524 family of devices are very low-power, fully differential op amps with rail-to-rail output and an input common-mode range that includes the negative rail. These amplifiers are designed for low-power data acquisition systems and high-density applications where power dissipation is a critical parameter, and provide exceptional performance in audio applications.
The family includes single (THS4521), dual (THS4522), and quad (THS4524) versions.
These fully differential op amps feature accurate output common-mode control that allows for dc-coupling when driving *og-to-di*al converters (ADCs). This control, coupled with an input common-mode range below the negative rail as well as rail-to-rail output, allows for easy interfacing between single-ended, ground-referenced signal sources.
Fully Differential Architecture
Bandwidth: 145 MHz
Slew Rate: 490 V/μs
HD2: –133 dBc at 10 kHz (1 VRMS, RL = 1 k )
HD3: –140 dBc at 10 kHz (1 VRMS, RL = 1 k)
Input Voltage Noise: 4.6 nV/√Hz (f = 100 kHz)
THD+N: –112dBc (0.00025%) at 1 kHz
(22-kHz BW, G = 1, 5 VPP)
Open-Loop Gain: 119 dB
NRI—Negative Rail Input
RRO—Rail-to-Rail Output
Output Common-Mode Control (with Low Offset and Drift)
Power Supply:
Voltage: +2.5 V (±1.25 V) to +5.5 V (±2.75 V)
Current: 1.14 mA/ch
Power-Down Capability: 20 μA (t*)
德州仪器的THS452x系列,是单通道与多通道逐次逼近寄存器 (SAR) 与 Δ-∑ 模数转换器 (ADC) 实现**数据转换的新型全差动放大器产品系列,能够满足工业、*以及音频等各种应用的需求。THS4521、THS4522 以及 THS4524 可提供出色的性能功耗比,适用于需要高分辨率、*以及出色动态范围的应用,如压力表与流量计、测震设备以及心电图机等,还可满足对功率要求严格的电池供电设备与其它应用的要求。
THS452x系列特性包括:静态流耗(单位通道)为1.14mA,断电电流可*20μA;可将带宽**过30%,支持 145 MHz 与490V/μs 的压摆率,无需*系统功耗即可缓冲并放大信号;可在输入电压噪声4.6nV/rtHz 的情况下将动态范围/灵敏度*44%,实现*小化失真;可针对TI SAR与Δ-∑ ADC 提供*缓冲,满足*低功耗系统的要求;输出共模控制可实现便捷的 DC 耦合,负轨输入与轨至轨输出功能可以简化设计工作,缩短开发时间;接受 +3V 至+5V 的单电源供电,也接受 ±1.5 V 至±2.5V 的双电源供电,可实现电源的高灵*;支持单、双以及四配置选项,可节省板级空间。
THS452x 器件使客户可驱动包括 TI ADS8317 16 位 250 kSPS SAR 转换器与ADS1278 24 位 128 kSPS Δ-∑转换器在内的差动ADC,实现数据表特定的性能水平。如,采用THS4521为 ADS1278 提供缓冲,输入频率为10kHz时,信噪比(SNR)为 102dB,无杂散动态范围 (SFDR) 为 110dBc,具有低静态电流,从而降低系统功耗。