☆ 适用于爆炸性气体环境1区、2区场所;
It is applicable to explosive gas environment zone 1, zone 2 locations;
☆ 适用于ⅡA、ⅡB类爆炸性气体环境;
It is applicable to Ⅱ A, Ⅱ B explosive gas environment;
☆ 适用于T1~T3(T4)组温度组别;
It is suitable for T1~T3 (T4) group temperature group;
☆ 适用于防护要求较高、潮湿的场所;
It is applicable to the protection requirements higher, wet places;
☆ 广泛用于石油开采、炼油、化工、军工等危险环境及海洋石油平台、油轮等场所。
It is widely used in oil exploitation, oil refining, chemical, military and other hazardous environments and offshore oil platforms, tankers and other places.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ quality assurance
☆ 本产品严格按照IS09001:2000国际质量管理体系标准进行质量控制,确保产品质量高于国家标准完全达到设计要求,自购买3年内,产品正常使用下出现任何故障(非人为故障)由本公司免费维护。
☆ the products in strict accordance with the IS09001:2000 international quality management system standards for quality control, ensure product quality is higher than the national standard, fully meet the design requirements, since the purchase within 3 years, any fault occurs under normal operation (non-human fault) maintenance free by the company.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ technical parameters
☆ 产品名称:防爆泛光灯
☆ Product Name: explosion-proof floodlight
☆ 光源类型:金卤灯 钠灯
Photo source: sodium lamp metal halide lamp
☆ 额定电压:AC220V 50/60Hz
☆ rated voltage: AC220V 50/60Hz
☆ 额定功率:70w 150w 250w 400w
☆ rated power: 70W 150W 250W 400W
☆ 防爆标志:Exd II BT4
☆ explosion-proof mark: Exd II BT4
☆ 防护等级:IP65
☆ protection grade: IP65
☆ 防腐等级:WF2
☆ corrosion protection grade: WF2
☆ 安装方式:吸顶式(x) 支架式(b) 路灯式(m)
☆ installation: ceiling type (x) support (b) lamp type (m)
Light source ★★★★★ explosion-proof floodlights significance
Floodlights not spotlight, projection lamp, lamp. Floodlights manufacture is highly diffuse, non directional light rather than clear-cut, thus generating soft shadows and transparent objects, used for lighting, lighting is reduced faster than with the spotlight lighting is much slower, and even some lighting weakened floodlight is very slow, it looks like a do not cast a shadow of light. But the spotlight projecting beam orientation, clear boundary, a specific area light.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ structure characteristics
☆ 外壳采用铝合金压铸成型,表面高压静电喷塑;
☆ enclosure is made of casting aluminum alloy, with high-pressure electrostatic plastic sprayed surface;
☆ 具有抗高能量冲击的钢化玻璃窗;
☆ has toughened glass window high energy impact;
☆ 保护网采用优质碳素钢镀锌后表面喷塑,双重防腐;
☆ protection network with plastic sprayed surface quality carbon steel galvanized anti-corrosion, double;
☆ 外露紧固件采用高防腐性能的不锈钢;
☆ exposed fasteners use high corrosion resistance of stainless steel;
☆ 镇流器、触发器等光源附件与灯具为一体式设计,便于安装和维修,
☆ ballast, trigger source accessories and lamps for integrated design, convenient installation and repair,
☆ 镇流器采用腔独立的方式进行设计,有效避免光源腔的热量传导到镇流器腔;
☆ ballast by way of independent cavity design, effectively avoid the light source cavity heat conduction to the ballast chamber;
☆ 采用桔纹漫反射板,反射效率高,光线均匀;
☆ by orange lines diffuse reflection plate, high efficiency, uniform light;
☆ 高功率因数cosΦ≥0.9;
☆ high power factor with cos ≥ 0.9;
☆ 灯座位置可以根据光源的光心位置进行调节,确保产品能够得到最佳的配光效果
☆ lampholders position can be adjusted according to the light source light position, to ensure that the products can get the best effect of light distribution
☆ 光源腔侧壁设有维修盖,方便更换光源
☆ light source cavity is arranged on the side wall repair cover, easy to replace the light source
☆ 电缆布线
☆ cable wiring
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ explosion-proof lamp can work reliably under the following conditions
☆ 安装地点的海拔不限制。
☆ installation location does not restrict the altitude.
☆ 周围环境温度为-20℃~+40℃时,且24h内的平均值不超过35℃
When ambient temperature is -20 ℃ ~ +40 ℃, and 24h average value does not exceed 35 ℃
☆ 安装地点的空气相对湿度在最高温度为+40℃时,不超过50%,在较低的温度下允许有较高的相对湿度,最湿的月平均温度不超过+25℃,该月平均最大相对湿度不超过90%。
Relative humidity, the installation site of the air at the highest temperature is +40 ℃, not more than 50%, allowing a higher relative humidity in the lower temperature, mean minimum temperature on the humidity of not more than +25 DEG C, the monthly average maximum relative humidity of not more than 90%.
☆ 在无剧烈振动,冲击及摇动的地方。
☆ in non violent vibration, shock and shake the place.
☆ 在含有爆炸性气体环境场所。
☆ in explosive gas environment.
☆ 污染等级为3级。
☆ pollution grade was 3.
大功率LED - 单色 Photo Red 450mW941-XPEBPRL10000D01
供应飞利浦TUV 36T5 HE 4P SE 40W 75W单端紫外线杀菌消毒灯管
大功率LED - 白色 22mm Perfect White 36V 3000K 90 CRI大功率LED - 白色 22mm
固态硬盘 - SSD 9300 15.3TB 2.5in SSD340-403210-TRAY