上海鸿源电气自动化有限公司优惠供应德国SCHMIDT张力仪、 SCHMIDT丝网印刷张力计、SCHMIDT带张力计、SCHMIDT通用测试机、SCHMIDT扭矩表、SCHMIDT硬度计、SCHMIDT刀具
·DXK系列 DXF-120;DXK-300;DXB-50;DXR-2000;DXT-50
·DXB系列 DXB-400;DXB-1000;·DXR系列 ·DXT系列等
In 1996, Hans Schmidt & Co GmbH was the first tension meter manufacturer wordlwide to receive certification according to the International Standard DIN EN ISO 9001. This award emphasizes our continuous commitment to quality and gives our customer the confidence in a company in which quality and customer service has the highest priority. The certification covers the quality mana-
gement for design, development, production, installation and main-
tenance of the tension meters. The ISO 9000 series of Internati-
onal Standards is recognized by more than 100 countries around the world as an authoritative standard for quality *urance.