美国PNI sensor三维空间车辆检测地磁传感器RM3100组件RM2100

地区:广东 深圳



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Heading Sensors - Geomagnetic Sensor Suites - RM3100 and RM2100

Geomagnetic Sensor Suites which eliminate blur from magnetic field measurements
resulting in easy and accurate magnetic readings

RM3100 Inductive Geomagnetic Sensors.jpg

RM3100 Geomagnetic Sensors - Clearly See Magnetic Fields.jpg

Established on PNI Sensor Corporation's proprietary magneto-inductive technology, these tiny sensors deliver high performance resolution and repeatability with extremely low noise, providing both high gain and high sampling rates and importantly, no hysteresis. These heading sensors also do not require any temperature calibration or current 'set and reset' pulses before each measurement.
The magnetic field readings of the Hall Effect and PNI's Magneto Inductive sensors are compared against a figurative 'ideal' sensor in the graph on the right. The sensors are rotated in a fixed position in a magnetic field of magnitude 2.4μT while the relevant heading data is calculated. While the Hall Effect sensor is unable to keep a stable reading due to sensor noise, the PNI sensor maintains accurate and consistent readings - no blur!

RM3100 Magneto Inductive Sensors, Hall Effect & Figurative Ideal sensor

Geomagnetic sensors are used to measure the Earth's magnetic field to provide absolute reference and heading. But a large challenge is the changing magnetic fields that temporarily distort the heading information, such as metal parts in furniture, a passing car, or nearby mobile phones and computers. Compensating for these and other transient magnetic anomalies requires the geomagnetic sensor to be able to precisely distinguish between sensor noise (blur) and real changes in magnetic field. PNI's geomagnetic sensors lead the field in their ability to reduce blur to establish the true magnetic field, outperforming other magnetic sensors by orders of magnitude.
 Parameter Leading Hall Effect Sensor PNI Sensor's Magneto Inductive Sensor 
 Sensitivity (nT) 300 nT  13 nT 
Noise (nT)  500 nT   15 nT
Current Usage @ 8 Hz, 3 Axis   280 μA 70 μA

Additionally, PNI's Geomagnetic Sensors are simple to design in and the peak current requirement is dramatically less than Hall Effect sensors. It is not surprising that this patented technology has been proven across a wide spectrum of applications, including motion tracking, compassing, game, TV and set top box controllers and magnetic field measurement.

Product Availability
RMS3000, enlarged to show detail.

PNI offers Geomagnetic Sensor Suites comprised of three sensor coils - two Sen - XY sensors and one Sen-Z sensor - plus one of PNI's proprietary ASIC's.

The RM3100 offers improved performance due to a new and improved ASIC, the MagI2C, and offers both SPI and I2C interfaces for easy integration in a wide variety of systems.

The RM3000 remains available to current customers and offers SPI interface with the 3D MagIC ASIC.

The RM3000 Evaluation Board incorporates the RM3100 with peripheral components on a single PCB.  It is ideal for evalutaion and prototyping applications.

Product Specifications

Linearity over ± 200 µT (Typical) 0.6 %
Max 3-Axis Sample Rate 550 Hz
Interfaces SPI and I2C

MagI2C ASIC    4.0 x 4.0 x 0.75 mm 

3DMagIC ASIC      5.0 x 5.0 x 0.9 mm 

Sen XY      6.0 x 2.1 x 2.2 mm 

SEN Z    3.0 x 3.0 x 5.75 mm 




15 nT@200 Cycle



