TrueTouch ® Multi-Touch All-Points Touchscreen Controller
■ TrueTouch ® capacitive touchscreen controller
❐ Tracks up to four fingers independently
❐ Screen sizes up to 4.5-inch diagonal
• Can support up to 7-inch diagonal with stretched sensor
❐ Up to 32 sense pins; senses up to 252 intersections
❐ Large object detection
❐ Fat finger detection and tracking
❐ Charger Armor™ technology, featuring adaptive frequency
hopping, which provides battery charger noise immunity
❐ Self-calibrating to environmental changes
❐ Smart noise suppression in LCD, battery charger,
common-mode, and RF environments
❐ Android and Windows Phone Series 7 compliant
❐ Supports unregulated dual-rail inputs
• 1.71 V to 3.6 V digital supply voltage
• 2.7 V to 3.6 V analog supply voltage
• Supports single shared supply from 2.7 V to 3.6 V
■ Performance
❐ Best in class signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
❐ Noise-free resolution: 0.1 mm
❐ Accuracy: 0.5 mm
❐ Finger separation: 3.5 mm
❐ >60 Hz refresh rate with up to four fingers on the touchscreen
❐ Low Power state current less than 1.3 mA
❐ Deep Sleep state current of 1 μA
■ Extended feature set
❐ Integrated CapSense ® button support
■ Sensor and system design
❐ Supports chip-on-flex and chip-on-board
❐ Configurable to work with plastic film and glass touch sensors
❐ Supports a variety of touchscreen sensors and stackups
■ Communication interface
❐ I 2 C slave up to 400 kHz
❐ SPI slave with 2 Mbps sustained data throughput
❐ Field upgrades through integrated bootloader
■ Manufacturing test
❐ Integrated test firmware
■ Package options
❐ 36-pin QFN (5 × 5 × 0.6 mm)
❐ 48-pin QFN (6 × 6 × 0.6 mm