2• Fully Configurable Multi-Output and Multi- • Industrial/ATE
Phase Non-Isolated DC/DC PWM Controller • Networking Equipment
• Controls Up to 4 Voltage Rails and Up to 8 • Telecommunications Equipment
Phases • Servers
• Supports Switching Frequencies Up to 2MHz • Storage Systems
with 250 ps Duty-Cycle Resolution
• FPGA, DSP and Memory Power
• Up To 1mV Closed Loop Resolution
• Hardware-Accelerated, 3-Pole/3-Zero DESCRIPTION
Compensator with Non-Linear Gain for The UCD9248 is a multi-rail, multi-phase
Improved Transient Performance synchronous buck digital PWM controller designed for
• Supports Multiple Soft-Start and Soft-Stop non-isolated DC/DC power applications. This device
Configurations Including Prebias Start-up integrates dedicated circuitry for DC/DC loop
management with flash memory and a serial interface
• Supports Voltage Tracking, Margining and to support configurability, monitoring and Sequencing management.
• Supports Current and Temperature Balancing
The UCD9248 was designed to provide a wide for Multi-Phase Power Stages variety of desirable features for non-isolated DC/DC
• Supports Phase Adding/Shedding for Multi- converter applications while minimizing the total
Phase Power Stages system component count by reducing external
• Sync In/Out Pins Align DPWM Clocks Between circuits. The solution integrates multi-loop
Multiple UCD92xx Devices management with sequencing, margining, tracking
and intelligent phase management to optimize for
• 12-Bit Digital Monitoring of Power Supply total system efficiency. Additionally, loop Parameters Including: compensation and calibration are supported without
– Input/Output Current and Voltage the need to add external components.
– Temperature at Each Power Stage To facilitate configuring the device, the Texas
• Multiple Levels of Over-current Fault Instruments Fusion Digital Power™ Designer is
Protection: provided. This PC based Graphical User Interface
offers an intuitive interface to the device. This tool
– External Current Fault Inputs allows the design engineer to configure the system
– Analog Comparators Monitor Current operating parameters for the application, store the
Sense Voltage configuration to on-chip non-volatile memory and
– Current Continually Digitally Monitored observe both frequency domain and time domain
simulations for each of the power stage outputs. • Over- and Under-voltage Fault Protection
TI has also developed multiple complementary power • Over-temperature Fault Protection
stage solutions – from discrete drivers in the UCD7k
• Enhanced Nonvolatile Memory with Error family to fully tested power train modules in the PTD Correction Code (ECC) family. These solutions have been developed to
• Device Operates From a Single Supply with an complement the UCD9k family of system power
Internal Regulator Controller That Allows controllers.
Operation Over a Wide Supply Voltage Range
• Supported by Fusion Digital Power™
Designer, a Full Featured PC Based Design
Tool to Simulate, Configure, and Monitor
Power Supply Performance
电源管理 (PMIC)
- 40 C to + 125 C
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TPS65217BRSLR电源管理 (PMIC)原装TI
MAX14689EWL+T 模拟开关 IC Maxim
BQ25071DQCR Texas Instruments 电池管理 1A, Sng-input LiFePO4 Lin Bat Char
MAX3373EEBL+T转换 - 电压电平 15kV Maxim