Modems In PC
Modem−Fax Cards
The TOSHIBA TLP176G consists of gallium arsenide infrared emitting
diode optically coupled to a photo−MOS FET in a SOP,
which is suitable for surface mount assembly.
The TLP176G is suitable for the modem applications which require
space savings.
• Peak off−state voltage: 350V (min)
• Trigger LED current: 3mA (max)
• On−state resistance: 35Ω (max)
• Isolation voltage: 1500Vrms (min)
• UL recognized: UL1577, file No. E67349
• BSI approved
: BS EN60065: 2002, certificate No.8753
BS EN60950-1: 2002, certificate No.8754
• SEMKO approved: SS EN60065
SS EN60950
• Option(V4)type
TUV approved: DIN EN 60747-5-2
Certificate No.40009351
制造商: Toshiba
产品种类: 固态继电器-PCB安装
输出类型: Photo MOSFET
封装: Bulk
商标: Toshiba
产品类型: SSR - Solid State Relays
工厂包装数量: 100
子类别: Relays
单位重量: 100 mg
固态继电器(Solid State Relay,缩写SSR),是由微电子电路,分立电子器件,电力电子功率器
Characteristic Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Supply voltage VDD ― ― 280 V
Forward current IF 5 7.5 25 mA
On−state current ION ― ― 100 mA
Operating temperature Topr −20 ― 65 °C
Characteristic Symbol Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Trigger LED current IFT ION = 120mA ― 1 3 mA
On−state resistance RON ION = 120mA,IF = 5mA ― 22 35 Ω
Characteristic Symbol Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Capacitance input to output CS VS = 0,f = 1MHz ― 0.8 ― pF
Isolation resistance RS VS = 500V,R.H ≤ 60% 5×10
― Ω
AC, 1minute 1500 ― ―
AC, 1second (in oil) ― 3000 ―
Isolation voltage BVS
DC, 1minute (in oil) ― 3000 ― Vdc