SE100 is designed to support QuickCharge QC2.0 (QC2.0) specifications. It is a low-costsolution to support QC2.0 functions. SE100incorporates all necessary functions to addQC2.0 capability to standard Adaptor designs,Portable Battery designs, and Car-chargerdesigns.SE100 supports the full output voltage range ofeither Class A or Class B. Optionally Class B canbe inhibited for protecting the battery chargerfrom accidental damage.SE100 automatically detects whether aconnected Powered Device (PD) is QC2.0capable before enabling output voltageadjustment. If a PD that is not compliant toQC2.0 is detected the SE100 disables outputvoltage adjustment to ensure safe operation withlegacy 5 V only USB PDs.
Pin Configuration
Fully supports Quick Charge 2.0specification
Class A: 5 V, 9 V, and 12 V output voltage
Class B: 5 V, 9 V, 12 V, and 20 V outputvoltage
USB battery charging specification revision1.2 compatible
Automatic USB DCP shorting D+ to D- line
Default 5 V mode operation
Very low power consumption
Less than 1 mW at 5 V output
Fail safe operation
Adjacent pin-to-pin short-circuit fault
Open circuit pin fault
Adaptors for smart phones, tablets,netbooks, digital cameras, and bluetoothaccessories
Portable Battery Packs supporting QC.20functions
Car Cargers supporting QC2.0 functions
Ogther USB power output ports supportingQC2.0 functions
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CL2542 全新原装 2A输出电流 负载开关芯片
ME339 微盟 比较器 3.0-36V 封装SOP-14
供应ICF三端稳压IC LM7805 LM7812 TO220电流1.5A 家电控制板专用
供应RZC2009车充快充IC内置QC2.0协议 外围电路简单 优势成本车充方案
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ME1501 微盟 高侧负载限流开关IC
ME5201 微盟 3W单声道AB类音频功放芯片
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ME530 微盟 ESOP16 2.5-5.5V/5W 音频功放IC