8位微控制器 -MCU 28KB Flash, 2KB RAM, 256KB EE, LCD, 12-bit ADC2, DAC, LP COMP, PWM, CCP, CWG, SMT, ZCD, PPS, RTCC, HLT, WWDT, PIC16(L)F19155/56/75/76/85/86 microcontrollers offer eXtreme Low-Power (XLP) LCD drive coupled with Core
Independent Peripherals (CIPs) and Intelligent Analog. They are especially suited for battery-powered LCD applications
due to an integrated charge pump, high current I/O drive for backlighting, and battery backup of the Real-Time Clock/
Calendar (RTCC). Active clock tuning of the HFINTOSC provides a highly accurate clock source over voltage and
temperature. The family also features a new 12-bit ADC controller which can automate Capacitive Voltage Divider
(CVD) techniques for advanced touch sensing, averaging, filtering, oversampling and automatic threshold comparison.