Pulse Type (Main Bang):
0 to 20 KHz by external trigger pulse
Available Pulse Voltage:
-100 to -900 V continuously variable; -100, -200, -400 or -900 V switch selectable (meter measures available voltage on pulse storage capacitor)
Pulse Rise Time:
<40 nS @ 900 V, <10 n0S @ 100 V
Available Pulse Energy:
11 to 890 microjoules, stepless, or 11, 44, 170, or 890 microjoules in selected pulse voltage positions
50 to 333 ohms, continuosly variable; 50, 100, 200, or 500 ohms switch selectable
Pulse Repetition Rate:
Internal: 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1 k or 2 kHz, switch selectable
External: 0 to 2 kHz maximum
Sync Output Pulse:
TTL compatible, or +1v minimum into 50 ohms (occurs approx. 75hS before main bang when externally triggered).
External Trigger Input:
Edge triggered, accepts + or - input pulses.
Zin = 50 or 500 ohms (internal switch)
Max pulse height in: 65 V
Rise time: <30 μS
Pulse width: 0.1 μS <PW<4 μS
Delay after Ext. Trig.: <200 nS
Pulse-echo or thru-transmission, switch selectable
Maximum Receiver Input Power:
The maximum average power that receiver input can dissipate is 1W. Sine wave RF input should be limited to 10 V rms or 40 V rms at 25% duty cycle.
Input Impedance:
500 ohms (linear range). Approx. 140 ohms for signals> linear range
Voltage Gain:
40 dB or 60 dB (RL = 50 ohms), switch selectable
Normal (0°) or inverted (180°), switch selectable
10 kHz to 10 MHz (-3 dB)
High Pass Filters:
0.01 (out), 0.03, 0.1, 0.3 or 1.0 MHz, switch selectable
Low Pass Filters:
0.5, 1.0, 3.0, 5.0, or 10 MHz (out), switch selectable
0 dB to 80 dB in 1 dB steps
Attenuation Vernier:
61 dB continuous (vernier can be switched off) with status LED.
Typically 50 μV pk-pk referred to the input
Output Impedance:
50 ohms in series with 10 μF
Maximum Signal Out:
±0.5 V peak (RL =50 ohms),
±1 V peak (RL ≥ 1 K ohms)
Input Impedance:
100K ohm in parallel with 50 pF.
Maximum Input Power:
The maximum power that the receiver can dissipate is 1 W.
30 dB, non-inverting (RL = 500 ohms)
600 Hz to 5 MHz (-3dB)
25 μV pk-pk referred to the input (Rs = 500 ohms, RL = 500 ohms)
Output Impedance:
50 ohms in series with 4.7 μF
Maximum Output Level:
+/-0.5 V pk (RL = 500 ohms)
Power Requirements:
100, 120, 220, or 240 VAC selectable, 50-60 Hz, 45 watts maximum
0.5A Slow Blow for 100 or 120 VAC, 0.25A Slow Blow for 220 or 240 VAC
3.5" H x 16.7" W x 12.7" D
88.9 mm H x 424 mm W x 323 mm D
Ext Trigger Termination:
50 or 500 ohms, selectable (factory set to 50 ohms).
Ext Trigger threshold:
0.1 to 1 V (factory set to 0.5 V)