本型电流互感器为环氧树脂真空浇注全封闭结构。供户内50Hz,额定电压10kV及以下线路中作电流、电能测量和继电保护使用。该产品体积小、重量轻、安装方便、性能稳定。铁芯采用圆环形,二次绕组均匀绕于圆周上,一次母线贯穿于二次绕组中,器身整体浇注型为全*缘结构。 The current transformer for the epoxy resin vacuum casting a fully enclosed structure. For indoor 50Hz, rated voltage of 10kV and below the line for the current and energy measurement and relay protection use. The products small size, light weight, easy installation, stable performance. Core annular secondary winding is uniform around the circumference of a bus runs through the secondary winding of casting of the body of the overall structure for the whole insulation.