The OPA145 and OPA2145 (OPAx145) devices are part of a family of low-power JFET input amplifiers that have excellent drift, low current noise, and pico-ampere input bias current. These features make the OPAx145 an excellent choice for amplifying small signals from high-impedance sensors. The rail-to-rail output swing interfaces to modern, single-supply, precision, analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and digital-to-analog converters (DACs). In addition, the input range that includes V– allows designers to simplify power management and take advantage of the single-supply, low-noise JFET architecture.
Best bandwidth and slew-rate-to-power ratio:
Gain-bandwidth Product: 5.5 MHz
Slew rate: 20 V/μs
Low supply current: 475 μA (maximum)
High precision:
Very low offset: 150 μV (maximum)
Very low offset drift: 1 μV/°C (maximum)
Low input bias current: 2 pA
Excellent noise performance:
Very low voltage noise: 7 nV/√ Hz
Very low current noise: 0.8 fA/√ Hz
Input-voltage range includes V– supply
Single-supply operation: 4.5 V to 36 V
Dual-supply operation: ±2.25 V to ±18 V
Number of channels (#)2Total supply voltage (Max) (+5V=5, +/-5V=10)36Total supply voltage (Min) (+5V=5, +/-5V=10)4.5Vos (offset voltage @ 25 C) (Max) (mV)0.15GBW (Typ) (MHz)5.5Slew rate (Typ) (V/us)20Rail-to-railOutOffset drift (Typ) (uV/C)0.4Iq per channel (Typ) (mA)0.445Vn at 1 kHz (Typ) (nV/rtHz)7CMRR (Typ) (dB)140RatingCatalogOperating temperature range (C)-40 to 125Input bias current (Max) (pA)10Output current (Typ) (mA)20ArchitectureFETTHD + N @ 1 kHz (Typ) (%)0.0001