The STM1001RWX6F STM1001 microprocessor reset circuit is a low-power supervisory device used to monitor power supplies. It performs a single function: asserting a reset signal whenever the VCC supply voltage drops below a preset value and keeping it asserted until VCC has risen above the preset threshold for a minimum period of time (trec).
Features STM1001RWX6F
■ Precision monitoring of 3 V, 3.3 V, and 5 V supply voltages
■ Open drain RST output
■ 30 ms or 140 ms reset pulse width (min)
■ Low supply current - 6 μA (typ)
■ Guaranteed RST assertion down to VCC= 1.0 V
■ Operating temperature:
– –40 °C to 85 °C (industrial grade)
■ Lead-free, small SOT23 package
型号: STM1001RWX6F
制造商: STMicroelectronics
产品种类: 监控电路
RoHS: 无铅环保
类型: Voltage Supervisory
安装风格: SMD/SMT
封装 / 箱体: SOT-23-3
阈值电压: 3 V, 3.3 V, 5 V
被监测输入数: 1 Input
输出类型: Open Collector / Drain
人工复位: Manual Reset
看门狗计时器: No Watchdog
电池备用开关: No Backup
重置延迟时间: 280 ms
电源电压-最大: 7 V
最大工作温度: + 85 C
最小工作温度: - 40 C
系列: STM1001
封装: Cut Tape
封装: Reel
特点: No Internal Hysteresis
高度: 1.02 mm
长度: 3.04 mm (Max)
宽度: 1.4 mm
商标: STMicroelectronics
过电压阈值: 2.66 V
欠电压阈值: 2.63 V
芯片启用信号: No Chip Enable
工作电源电流: 6 uA
Pd-功率耗散: 320 mW
功率失效检测: No
产品类型: Supervisory Circuits
工厂包装数量: 3000
子类别: PMIC - Power Management ICs
电源电压-最小: - 0.3 V
单位重量: 8 mg
: 1 Input
: 3 V, 3.3 V, 5 V
: 280 ms
: 6 uA