LM358DT 运算放大器 运放

地区:广东 深圳



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运算放大器 - 运放 Low-power dual operational amplifiers

Description LM358DT

These circuits consist of two independent, highgain, internally frequency-compensated op amps, specifically designed to operate from a single power supply over a wide range of voltages. The low-power supply drain is independent of the magnitude of the power supply voltage.

Application areas include transducer amplifiers,  DC gain blocks and all the conventional op amp  circuits, which can now be more easily  implemented in single power supply systems. For  example, these circuits can be directly supplied  with the standard 5 V, which is used in logic  systems and will easily provide the required  interface electronics with no additional power  supply.

Features LM358DT

 Frequency compensation implemented internally

 Large DC voltage gain: 100 dB

 Wide bandwidth (unity gain): 1.1 MHz (temperature compensated)

 Very low supply current per channel essentially independent of supply voltage

 Low input bias current: 20 nA (temperature compensated)

 Low input offset voltage: 2 mV

 Low input offset current: 2 nA

 Input common-mode voltage range includes negative rails

 Differential input voltage range equal to the power supply voltage

 Large output voltage swing 0 V to (VCC+ - 1.5 V) 

Related products LM358DT

 See LM158W for enhanced ESD ratings

 See LM2904 and LM2904W for automotive grade versions






: 1.1 MHz

SR - 转换速率

: 0.6 V/us

Ib - 输入偏流

: 150 nA

Vos - 输入偏置电压

: 7 mV