马达/运动/点火控制器和驱动器 Brush Motor DC 4 FCT 0.8A 1.0A 6V 18V
CD Integrated Circuit Silicon Monolithic DUAL-BRIDGE DRIVER IC FOR DC MOTORS
The TC78H600FTG(O,EL) TC78H600FNG/FTG is a dual-bridge driver IC for DC motors which incorporates DMOS in output transistors. DMOS output driver with low ON-resistance and PWM drive system are applied to realize high efficiency driving.
Features TC78H600FTG(O,EL)
• Power supply voltage for motor: VM=15V (max)
• Power supply voltage for control: Vcc=2.7V to 5.5V
(Operation range)
• Output current: Iout ≤ 0.8A (max)
• Output ON resistance: Ron=1.2Ω (upper and lower sum)
• Internal pull-down resistors on inputs: 200 kΩ (typ.)
• Built-in over current detection (ISD), thermal shutdown
(TSD) circuit, and under voltage lockout (UVLO) circuit.
• ALERT output pin
• Package: TC78H600FNG;SSOP20, TC78H600FTG; QFN24
• Built-in cross conduction protection circuit
Operating Range (Ta = -20 to 85°C) TC78H600FTG(O,EL)
Characteristics Symbol Conditions Min Typ. Max Unit Controlled power supply voltage Vcc(opr) ― 2.7 3.3 5.5 V Motor power supply voltage VM(opr) ― 2.5 5 15 V Output current IOUT ― ― ― 0.8 A Input voltage VIN ― ― ― 5.5 V Input voltage Vref ― 0.4 2.5 Vcc-1.8 V PWM frequency (Input in direct PWM drive) fPWM duty50% IN1A, IN2A, PWMA, IN1B, IN2B, PWMB 1 ― 500 kHz Oscillation frequency fosc Cosc=220pF 160 320 480 kHz Chopping frequency fchop In constant current PMW mode 180pF ≤ Cosc ≤ 260pF 20 40 60 kHz
: 16.5 uA
: 5 V
: - 20 C
: + 85 C