Dual 24 V, 20 mOhm high-side switch
The 20XS4200 MC20XS4200BFK device is part of a 24 V dual high side switch product family with integrated control, and a high number of protective and diagnostic functions.
Features MC20XS4200BFK
• 3.3 V and 5.0 V compatible 16-bit SPI port for device control, configuration and diagnostics at rates up to 8.0 MHz
Definition MC20XS4200BFK
This pin either outputs a current proportional to the channel’s output current or a
voltage proportional to the temperature of the GND pin (pin 14). Selection between
current and temperature sensing, as well as setting the current sensing sensitivity
are performed through the SPI interface. An external pull-down resistor must be
connected between CSNS and GND.
24 V
20 mOhms
-40 ℃
125 ℃