02301.25DRT1P 保险丝管 250V 1.25A Slo-Blo 2AG
2AG > Time Lag > 229/230 Series
229/230 Series 2AG, Slo-Blo® Fuse with Indicating Option
Description 02301.25DRT1P
Littelfuse 229/230 series Slo-Blo® Fuses are available in 2AG size cartridge or axial lead form, offer tripped fuse indicating option, and offer features designed to meet rigorous Telecom industry requirements.
229/230 series product ordered with the tripped fuse indicating option show discoloration of the glass body immediately after trip. They offer the same performance characteristics as standard product, and help to reduce time locating the tripped fuse and troubleshooting circuit issues.
The 02301.25DRT1P 229/230 series 0.25A - 1.25A range combines conventional overcurrent protection with ability to withstand high current, short duration pulses which complies to short circuit requirements of UL 60950-1/ UL 62368-1 for telephone equipment. Insulating sleeve option is also available. R efer to the Surge Withstand Specifications section of this document for additional information.
• Available in cartridge and axial lead form, and a wide range of lead forming dimension and packaging options
• In accordance with UL Standard 248-14
• RoHS compliant and Lead-free
• Tripped fuse indicating option (add suffix ‘S’ to part number)
• Fuses are available for board washable with the additional sealing process (add suffix ‘A’ to part number)
• Sleeved fuse option available (contact Littelfuse for additional information)
146 mOhms
125 VDC
10 kA at 125 VDC
1.25 A