莱姆小电流传感器 CTSR0.6-P CTSR0.3-P CTSR1-P CTSR0.3-T 非接触、测量单提供毫安(+5) Main特点: ·2个标准模型 ·PCB安装 小电流的测量值从0.3到0.6个标准值 ·误差(CTSR 0.3-P模型+ 25°C时1.9%,+ 25°C时1.5%,CTSR 0.6-P模型) ·低偏移漂移 ·适用于所有型号的紧凑型设计 •轻:28克 ·工作温度范围:-40至+ 105°C ·5年保修
特征: ·直流,交流,脉冲,小电流测量与电隔离 ·单电源:0,+ 5V ·非接触式测量,孔径(Ø20.1 mm) 绝缘测试电压:5.4 KVRMS / 50 Hz / 1 min ·电压输出 ·带宽DC至9.5 KHz(- 1dB) ·闭环磁通门技术 •绝缘爬电距离和间隙距离(11毫米)
Standard compliance: EN 50178 for industrial applications such as: Solar panels inverters (earth leakage control) First human contact protection of PV arrays Medium power inverter (symmetry fault detection) Power sources (failure detection) UPS's SMPS's Current monitoring
Remarks: Available with primary inserted conductor (CTSR xxx-TP model) Designed for single or three phases residual current measurement (up to +/- 30A per wire, DC or AC) Easy insertion of earth leakage wires thanks to the aperture (Ø 20.1 mm) Bipolar currents measurements when single supplied 0/+5V Self test function Demagnetization function These transducers can directly be connected to the 5V input of μ-controllers and instrumentation cards CTSR models have an additional pin at the output for more flexibility in applications. This pin provides access to the internal voltage reference which can then be fed to the reference of an A/D converter (Analog Digital) This extra pin can also receive the internal reference (from 2.3 to 4 V) of the DSP (Digital Signal Processor) or A/D converters commonly used in Power Electronics, allowing cancellation of the reference temperature drift Low current consumption High overload capability Possibilty to easily design up to 3 ARMS nominal version under request
供应LEM电流传感器CDSR0.07-NP CDSR0.07-TP
供应TT100-SD及TT50-SD 系列LEM电流互感器
供应LEM电流传感器LA25-NP/SP8 LA100-TP LA25-NP/SP11
供应F.W.BELL电流传感器 CLSM-100LA
供应CTSR0.3; 0.6 -P & -TP系列小电流传感器 LEM电流传感器
LV25-P LV100 DVL1000电压传感器
供应DHR系列电流互感器 DC0-5V,0-10V,4-20mA信号输出DHR600C420 DHR100-C10
LEM电流传感器HAS600-S HAS500-S HAS50-S/SP50 HAS200-S/SP50
采用高Rogowski线圈的灵活的分芯交流电流传感器 罗斯线