The Allegro" A1210-A1214 Halleiect latches ae next
gencration replacements for the popularAlgro 317x and
318x ines of laching siches. The A121x family roduced
with BiCMOS technogy,.conisofdevics ta featre fast
power-on time and low-1oise operation Device pogrmming
is performed afer packaging to ensue incresed sich point
accuracy by eliminating ofises hat a be inducedby package
stres Unique allelementgeometniesandlow-fiseamplifes
help tominimize noise and to reduce theresidul ofsetvolage
nomally aused bydeviceovemolding tenperatureecusions
and themal stress
The A1210-A1214 Hll-efec lathesinclude the fllowing on
a single siliconchip: voltage regulator, Hallvolage generator.
smllsignal ampier, Schmit tigger, and NMOS ouput
transistor The interated volage regulator pemits operation
fom 3.8 to 24V. The extensive on-board protection cicuiry
makes possble a +30 V absolute maximun volage rating
for superior protecion in automoive and industil motor
commutationappliations, withoutadingextemalcompoments
Alldevices in the family ae identical except for magnetic
switch point levels.
The smallgeometris of the BiCMOs processallow these
devices to be provided in ulm small ackages. The package
syles available provide magneticaly opimized solutios for
most applications. PackageLHisan SOT23W,a miniature low.-