16 MHz advanced STM8 core with Harvardarchitecture and 3-stage pipeline••Extended instruction setpurpose timer,•16-bit generalOC or PWM) with 3 CAPCOMchannels (IC,•8-bit basic timer with 8-bit prescaler•Auto wake-up timer•Window watchdog and independent watchdogtimersCommunications interfacesUART with clock output for synchronousoperation, Smartcard, IrDA, LIN master modeMemoriesProgram memory: 8 Kbytes Flash; data retention20 years at 55 °C after 10 kcycles••Data memory: 640 bytes true data EEPROM;endurance 300 kcycles•RAM: 1 KbytesClock, reset and supply management2.95 to 5.5 V operating voltage••SPI interface up to 8 Mbit/s•I C interface up to 400 Kbit/s2Analog to digital converter (ADC)10-bit, ±1 LSB ADC with up to 5 multiplexedchannels, scan mode and analog watchdog••clock4 master•Flexible powercontrol, resonator clock sources:oscillator-Low crystal-External clock input-Internal, user-trimm