原装现货热卖中 - AIC811-29PU4TR -

地区:广东 深圳



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The logarithmic intercept (reference current) is nominally positioned at 1 nA by using the externally generated, 100 μA Icurrent provided by a 200 kΩ resistor connected between VREF, at2.5 V, and IREF, at 0.5 V. The intercept can be adjusted over anarrow range by varying this resistor. The part can also operate in alog-ratio mode, with limited accuracy, where the numerator andde nominator currents are applied to INPT and IREF, respectively.A buffer amplifier is provided to drive substantial loads, raise thebasic 10 mV/dB slope, serve as a precision comparator (threshold detector), or implement low-pass filters. Its rail-to-rail output stage can swing to within 100 mV of the positive and negative supply rails, and its peak current-sourcing capacity is 25 mA. A fundamental aspect of translinear logarithmic converters is that small-signal bandwidth falls as current level diminishes, and low frequency noise-spectral density increases. At the 100 nA level, the ADL5306’s bandwidth is about 100 kHz; it increases in proportion to I up to a maximum of about 10 MHz. The increase in noise . PD REF level at low currents can be addressed by using a buffer amplifier to realize low-pass filters of up to three poles. The ADL5306 is available in a 16-lead LFCSP package and is specified for operation from–40°C to +85°C.

对数截距(参考电流1 nA)名义上是定位在利用外部产生的,100个问题μ由200 KΩ电阻连接VREF,at2.5 V,和芯片之间提供,在0.5 V的截距可以调整这个电阻的变化范围较窄。这部分也可以在模拟比模式操作,精确度有限,在分子和分母电流应用药物和IREF,分别。缓冲放大器提供驱动大负载,提高基本的10 mV / dB的斜率,作为精密比较器(阈值检测器),或实现低通滤波器。其轨到轨输出级可在正向和负电源轨的100毫伏范围内摆动,其峰值电流供应能力为25毫安。跨导线性对数变换器的一个基本方面是,当前水平减少小信号带宽下,低频噪声谱密度增加。在100的nA级,adl5306的带宽为100 kHz;它增加了我最多约10 MHz的比例。噪声的增加。在低电流的PD参考电平可以通过使用一个缓冲放大器来实现高达三极点的低通滤波器。的adl5306提供16引脚LFCSP封装,是从–40°C + 85°C.操作指定







