
地区:广东 深圳



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德国NCTE  DML500动态扭矩传感器


  参       数:

·量            程(Nm):       500

 扭 矩   输 出 VDC :      ±5V
·综 合 误  差%FS/℃       ±0.1
·工  作    温   度  ℃       -10~100·

激  励   电   压  VDC      16~24

 转             速 rmp      0~10000




Accuracy class 0.1
Rated torque Mnom (bidirectional)     Nm   500
Speed range                                      rpm     0 … 10,000


Output signal      Unit     Value

1 Limiting frequency                           Hz 5000 (-3dB)
2 Analogue signal                               V 0… 10
3 Signal with torque = nil                   V ≈ 5.0
4 Signal with positive rated torque (+500Nm)                V ≈ 9.0
5 Signal with negative rated torque (-500Nm)                V ≈ 1.0
6 Rated transfer factor                                                    Nm / V 125.00
7 Transfer factor S                                                           Nm / V See label for calibration value
8 Relative standard variation of repeat accuracy             % ME <± 0.1
9 Linearity deviation                                                        % ME <± 0.1
10 RSU (Rotational Signal Uniformity)                              % ME <± 0.2
11 Output resistance                                                       OHM       270

Signal stability     Unit     Value
12 Long-term drift over 48 h                                            mV <1
13 Zero drift over the temperature                                 % / 10K ± 0.1
14 Output signal over temperature in service temperature range1)              % / 10K 0.5

Energy supply     Unit     Value
15 Power supply                                                             VDC 16…24
16 Maximum power consumption                                   mA < 120
17 Start-up peak                                                            mA 125… 150 (typically 135)
18 Rated power input                                                    W 2.6
19 Minimum/maximum permissible peak voltage            VDC 14… 30

General information     Unit     Value
20 Protection class                                                         EN 60529 - IP 54
21 Weight                                                                      kg 26.5
22 Reference temperature                                            °C +23
23 Service temperature range                                      °C +10... +100




