产品名称Product names:按键开关 | 产品型号:8.5*8.5系列 | 页码 :1/3 | 版本:A02 | 发布日期:2009-03-25 |
1.一般特性General Characteristics |
1.1额定值(Rating Value): DC30V/0.1A 1.2工作温度(Work Temperature Range): -10℃ ~ 70℃ 1.3存贮温度(Store Temperature Range): -20℃ ~ 80℃ 1.4正常测试条件(未有特殊说明量测在以下条件进行): General test condition (Tests and measurements shall be made under the following standard conditions unless otherwise specified): 正常温度: 5℃~35℃ 相对湿度: 45%~85% RH 气 压: 8,600~10,600帕 Temperature: 5℃~35℃ Relative humidity: 45%~85% Air pressure: 8,600~10,600 pa |
2.产品外观及尺寸要求Appearance & Dimension Requirement |
2.1产品外形结构紧凑,无配合不良. The structure of product is compact, and assembly of parts has no badness. 2.2产品塑胶部件无严重缩水、披锋、欠注、斑点、破损或变形现象. The plastic parts of product have no serious defects such as very serious shrink, scarcity, fleck, disrepair, transmutation, etc. 2.3产品引脚和外壳无严重氧化、脏污、变形、毛刺或电镀不良. Lead feet and shell have no serious defects such as oxidation, smudge, disrepair, burr, defects on plating. 2.4开关操作顺畅,节奏感强,无明显卡塞现象。 Operating switch is unhindered, rhythmed , and there is not palpable clag. 2.5产品结构及尺寸参见产品规格图纸。 Construction and dimensions:Refer to individual product drawing. |
3.电气特性Electronic Characteristics |
No. | 项 目 Item | 测试方法 Test Method | 测试设备 Equipment | 特性要求 Requirements | 3.1 | 接触电阻 Contact Resistance | 在低电流(≤100mA)条件下测试. Measured at low current (100mA or less). | 低电阻测试仪 Low Resistance Meter | 100mΩ max | 3.2 | 绝缘阻抗 Insulation Resistance | 测试相邻引脚之间,引脚与外壳之间的绝缘阻抗. Measurement shall be made between adjacent terminals, between terminal and shell. | 绝缘测试机 Insulation Resistance Tester | 100MΩ min | 3.3 | 耐压测试 Dielectric Withstand Voltage | 输入一定电压(50-60Hz,电压值 AC 250V)1分钟,漏电流为2mA,测试邻近端子间. Apply certain voltage (50-60Hz, AC 250V) for 1 minute between adjacent contacts of the connector with 2mA leakage sensitivity. | 耐压测试机 Puncture Tester | 没有绝缘破坏. 电弧等异常. No arcing , break down and damaging insulation. |
产品名称Product names:按键开关 | 产品型号:8.5*8.5系列 | 页码 :2/3 | 版本:A02 |
4.机械特性Mechanical Characteristics |
No. | 项 目 Item | 测试方法 Test Method | 测试设备 Equipment | 特性要求 Requirements | 4.1 | 操 作 力 Operation Force | 逐渐施力操作开关按键,测量开关到达全部工作行程时所需的最大操作力度。 Operate the keystoke of the switch and then increase press strength gradually, Measured maximum operation force while the travel of the switch is full. | 测力计 Force Gauge | 250±30gf | 4.2 | 行 程 Full travel | 垂直操作开关按键,量测开关顶端最大移动距离. Operate the keystoke of the switch vertically, the travel distance of keystoke moving from its free position to maximum moving distance shall be measurement. | 游标卡尺 Vernier Caliper | 2.0±0.15 |
5.可靠性测试Reliability trial |
No. | 项 目 Item | 测试方法 Test Method | 测试设备 Equipment | 特性要求 Requirements | 5.1 | 可焊性试验Solder ability Test | 端子顶部被浸入焊锡炉中,温度为260±5℃,时间5±1秒. The top of the terminals shall be dipped in the solder bath at 260±5℃ for5±1 seconds. | 控温锡炉 Solder Stove | 引脚至少95%上锡. Ninety-five percent of terminals shall be dipped. | 5.2 | 寿命试验 Operation Life | 开关在寿命试验设备上以约90次/分的速度连续被操作,具体次数见规格图示。 Switch shall be operated continuously at about 90 cycles /min without load. | 寿命试验机 Life Tester | 寿命: 100,000次 实验后: 绝缘电阻:10MΩ Min 操作力:变化在±50%内 开关外观及结构无损坏。 Life test:100,000cycles After test: Insulation resistance: 10MΩ Min Operating force: Change should be within±50% of specified value. No abnormalities shall be recognized in appearance and construction. |
产品名称Product names:按键开关 | 产品型号:8.5*8.5系列 | 页码 :3/3 | 版本:A02 |
6.可靠性测试Reliability trial |
No. | 项 目 Item | 测试方法 Test Method | 测试设备 Equipment | 特性要求 Requirements | 6.1 | 耐焊接热Resistance to Soldering heat | 端子焊接部分浸入焊炉,焊炉温度260±5℃,焊接时间5±1秒。(焊接时不可于端子施加外力)。 Terminals shall be dipped in the solder bath at 260±5℃ for 5±1 seconds without additional force for terminals. | 控温锡炉 Solder Stove | 本体无变形,能满足于机械、电气性能. Appearance should be not damaged, electrical and mechanical characteristics shall be satisfied. | 6.2 | 耐高温测试Resistance to Heat Test | 放置在温度80±2℃环境中96小时后,再置于正常条件下1小时后测定。 The switch shall be stored at a temperature of 80±2℃ for 96 hours, Measurements shall be made after it be subjected to the standard conditions for 1 hour. | 高低温 试验机 High & Low Temperature Tester | 外观,机械及电气性能均符合要求。 Appearance, electrical and mechanical characteristics shall be satisfied. | 6.3 | 耐低温测试 Resistance to Cold Test | 放置在温度-20±2℃环境中96小时后,再置于正常条件下1小时后测定。 The switch shall be stored at a temperature of -20±2℃ for 96 hours, Measurements shall be made after it be subjected to the standard conditions for 1 hour. | 高低温 试验机 High & Low Temperature Tester | 外观,机械及电气性能均符合要求。 Appearance, electrical and mechanical characteristics shall be satisfied. | 6.4 | 耐湿性测试Resistance to Humidity Test | 放置于温度40±2℃,相对湿度为90~96%环境中96小时后,再置于正常条件下1小时后测定(注意要擦去水滴)。 The switch shall be stored at a temperature of 40±2℃,relative humidity 90~96% for 96 hours, Measurements shall be made after it be subjected to the standard conditions for 1 hour (Wipe out water drip). | 恒温恒湿箱 Temperature & Humidity Tester Chamber | 外观,机械及电气性能均符合要求。 Appearance, electrical and mechanical characteristics shall be satisfied. | 6.5 | 盐雾实验 Salt Mist Test | 试件在下述实验后测量: 1.温度: 35±5ºC 2.盐溶液浓度:5±1%(质量百分比), 3.试验时间:24小时, 4.试验后,将盐沉积物用水冲掉。 The switch shall be checked after following test: 1.Temperature: 35±5ºC 2.Salt solution: 5±1%(Solids by mass) 3.Duration: 24 hours, 4.After immersing, salt deposit shall be removed by running water. | 盐雾 试验机 Salt Spray Tester | 在金属件上没有严重腐蚀斑点。 No remarkable corrosion shall be recognized in metal parts. |