品明(PINMING)电子厂位于中国小商品基地-浙江义乌。本公司专业生产各种LED手电筒,大功率手电筒、头灯、自行车灯、激光灯、礼品MINI灯等。以稳定的质量和优质的服务,深受国内外客户的青睐,产品远销欧美、东南亚及中东等国家地区 公司秉承“以人为本,质量、不断创新,追求卓越”的宗旨。坚持走科技创新之路,并以不断为客户提供满意的产品与服务为己任,执忱欢迎国内外新老客户来人,来电指导及咨询。 Zhijiag Yiwu PinMing electrinics factory is dedicated to the production of LED flashlight and other family gifts hand ,Flashlight production and processing company .The company has modern production management system and a high level of professional and technical personnel,in product design and developmient of the product has accumulated a wealth of experience.