前丰国际有限公司工厂座落于全国十大明星强镇的中山市小榄镇,是一家自主研发、生产和销售高品质LED照明产品的高新技术企业。以专业技术和诚信服务专注于LED封装和照明应用。 公司产品力至精益求精,广泛应用于各类高端家居、办公、商业、建筑工程、城市亮化的照明场所。 企业核心:高科技、高质量、高信誉、高效率、高创新。 企业理念:质量至上、诚信经营、开拓创新、与时俱进。 企业目标:制造一流产品,建造一流企业,服务回报社会。 公司以强大的技术研发实力,出色的产品品质为广大客户提供优质的LED照明产品 ,欢迎广大客户真诚合作携手共创辉煌! Qianfeng Electronic Factory is located in the country's ten big star town Xiaolan Town of Zhongshan City,Is an independent research and development, production and sales of high quality LED lighting products of high and new technology enterprise. With professional technology and good faith service focus on LED light emitting diode and lighting applications. Company products to refine on, widely used in various types of high-end home furnishing, o