祥欣電子有限公司創立於二零零七年三月,專業經營電腦及電腦周精密連接器及線纜。公司自成立以來, 在技術精良的產品開發隊伍及管理團隊幫助下,堅持專業化的生產,從連接器產品的五金端子模具及塑膠模具開發設計,到精密高速衝床衝壓成型及精密塑膠射出成型,再到產品的自動化組裝,力求為客戶提供優質、優價的產品。經過幾年穩健、快速的發展, 祥欣公司現已成為一家集研發、生產、銷售、貿易於一體的中型專業精密連接器製造商。 主要經營產品:排針、排母、wafer, RJ45、E-SATA, USB、D-Sub、HDMI、DC/AC電源座、耳機座、存儲卡 產品主要應用領域:電腦主機板、顯示器、家電、醫療設備、硬碟、記憶體、移動硬碟、MP3/MP4、數碼相機、電話機、手機及移動設備。 Chychin Electronics Co. Ltd. was established in March of 2007. Our business covers all kinds of connectors and wire hardness which are applied to computers and its peripheral device. Since its foundation, Chychin adheres to the principle of trying our best to supply clients with high quality products at competitive price, by the professional production, by the development and