RM3100 is a 3-axis magnetic sensor suite driven by PNI’s MagI2C ASIC
interfaced through an SPI bus, eliminating the need for signal
conditioning or an analog/digital converter. The RM3100 geomagnetic
sensor is the highest performance sensor in its class with over 10 times
better resolution and over 20 times lower noise than the leading Hall
Effect sensor. It makes precise magnetic field measurements, which
enables accurate calculation of heading and orientation.
PNI’s geomagnetic sensor technology provides high resolution, low
power consumption, large signal-noise immunity, a large dynamic range,
and high sampling rates. Measurements are stable over temperature and
inherently free from offset drift. The RM3100 incorporates both I2C and
SPI interfaces for system design flexibility.
RM3100是一个3轴磁传感器套件,由PNI的MagI2C ASIC驱动,通过SPI总线接口,无需信号调理或模拟/数字转换器。 RM3100地磁传感器是同类产品中性能高的传感器,其分辨率比的Hall E影响传感器高10倍以上,噪音低20倍。 它可以进行的磁场测量,从而可以计算航向和方向。
PNI的地磁传感器技术提供高分辨率,低功耗,大信号噪声抗扰度,大动态范围和高采样率。 测量值在整个温度范围内保持稳定,并且固有地没有偏移漂移。 RM3100集成了I2C和SPI接口,可实现系统设计灵活性。