Jiekai Insulator fitting Co.,Ltd Is one of the professional metal end fitting for insulator manufacturer in china, we are specially producing different insulators end fitting from porcelain,glass,and silicon, line power fitting, alminium fittings and all kinds of metal hardware for Auto parts by forge and foundry.Supplying our products according international standards and OEM products based in specific designs and requirements including final products,accessories and special assembles.If you have any requirement please give to our company the oportunity to serve your business with high quality, cheapiest price and best service wthin more of 8 years experiences.东台捷凯绝缘子金具有限公司是一家专业性电气配件制造商,公司主要从事复合绝缘子、瓷绝缘子、玻璃绝缘子及电力接线等各类金具的生产与销售。公司凭借其一流的技术、先进的生产设备、的专业技术人才和8年的生产、开发的丰富经验,一直为整个国内外市场提供一流的产品及的OEM服务。