本公司1993年由军工企业转制而来,长期从事军用光学研究并承担了国家“导弹、卫星、坦克、战车”等光学镀膜的科研和生产任务。 镀膜工厂位于中关村科技园区生物医药基地,拥有数千米高级厂房和先进设备,有从事光学镀膜35年的高级专家,九项技术成果荣获国家科技进步奖,并有数十项授权专利。公司通过ISO9000-2000质量体系认证,具有研制高质量镀膜产品和批量生产能力。价格合理,交货及时。 本公司的'金吉'商标在北京数十万品牌中出类拔萃,与联想、同仁堂等被北京市工商局授予北京市著名商标。 our corporation was mainly engaged with military industry and eventually transferred into a commercial company. Our senior engineers have been researching and developing military- purpose optics for a long time and have been involved with projects for the production of missiles, satellite, tanks. We have strict control over supplier selection, product manufacturing and quality assurance. The institute has the certificate of ISO 9000.The institute owns more than twenty patents and has won nine national PRC technology dev