扬州嘉华电子科技有限公司经过十年的发展,已成为行业内知名制造厂商,在回扫变压器,SMD变压器及各种线圈的生产领域中,显示出强大的竞争实力。 我公司为外商独资企业,位于中国名城扬州,地理位置优越,交通便利,公司占地面积72000平方米,建筑面积34000平方米,员工 820人。公司拥有稳定充实的高素质人才团队,引进国际目前的生产设备,掌握成熟的工艺制造技术,且规模化生产。产品质量可靠,满足环保要求,交货期短,并可根据客户要求,迅速改进设计满足客户的使用要求。 JAVA TECHNOLOGY CO.LTD was established in 1997. With continuous development of ten years, JAVA has been growning up to be a well-known professional manufacturer as well as one of the biggest high-voltage parts manufacturing base in the world. JAVA locate in Yangzhou city which is one of most famous city in China. JAVA totally covers 72000 square meters, in which the modern workshop covers 34000 square meters. JAVA has the international