嘉兴文廷电子有限公司,地处浙江省嘉兴市日商投资区,交通便利,环境优美.占地面积8000平方米.企业具有科学,先进的管理理念,拥有一支高水平的科技开发队伍,高素质的管理人员和具有丰富工作经验的员工.本公司主要生产高、中、低频电子变压器,是电感和波峰焊接各种线路板的专业制造厂商。公司年生产产品能力达800万,销售收入五千万元以上。产品销售范围遍及世界各地。公司一向坚持质量求生存,客户至上的企业宗旨。赢得广大客户的信赖。企业将一如既往,努力开拓,更好地为广大客户服务。Located in Japanese Investment Zone of Jiaxing ,ZheJiang, Jiaxing Winding Electronic Co., Ltd. gains geographic advantages and environmental freshness.With floor space of 8000 sq meters, The Company has developed a set of scientific and advanced ideology in management, which attracts talents from R&D field and managerial field as well as rich-experience workersThe main products for the company are electronic transformers of high, medium and low frequency. Jiaxing Winding is also one of the professional manufacturers in inductive components and