东莞市钲威电工设备有限公司位于广东省东莞市虎門鎮Dongguan Gemwell electrical equipment Co.,LTD located at Humen town Dongguan city Guangdong province經營理念:Business concepts成就客戶價值 致力於每位客戶的滿意和成功Achievement customer value devote to each customer satisfaction and the success持續開發創新 追求對客戶和公司都至關重要的創新 同時快速面高效地實施Lasting research innovates pursue to the innovation which very important to customer and the company ,and take it up fastly誠實守信經營 秉持信任,誠實和負責的作風,無論是對 內部還是外部Honest to management grasp the trust,honest,and the responsible attitude ,regardless to interior or exterior多元共贏合作 倡導相互理解,尊重多元,以全球視野 對待客戶和協力商Multrual benefit cooperation initiative to understand ,mutually benifit,use the globall judgment to treatment our cutomers and suppliers