哈尔滨市东日汽车电器厂是一家集科研。生产。销售于一体的专业化汽车电器的生产企业。自建厂已来一直致力汽车发电机调节器。 整流器等相关电子产品的开发研究与生产。现已开发生产发电机调节器,300多个品种400多个车型。发电机整流器40多个品种。电子闪光器20多个品种,其产品质量稳定。信誉良好。一直深受国内外客户的信赖。并为国内多家发电机厂配套。 东日汽车电器厂秉承"质量为本,信誉至上’ 的企业理念。愿携手国内外新老客户共同发展。Harbin City East, Auto Electric Factory is a collection of scientific research. Production. Sales in the integrated Automotive electrical industry of the manufacturing enterprises. MRP already has been committed to automotive generator regulator. Rectifier, and other related electronic products research and the development of production. Development and production of generators is now regulated , Over 300 species over 400 models. Generator Rectifier over 40 vari