北京市天润中电高压电子有限公司是致力于高压整流元器件系列产品研发、生产和销售的专业化企业,主要生产高压硅堆、高压二极管、高压整流桥、倍压整流模块、电力整流模块、整流桥、二极管、晶闸管、高压电容等产品,产品广泛应用于军工、航天、环保、通讯、电力、电子、仪器仪表, 医疗美容设备、石油、交通、化工等领域。目前公司已通过军工质量管理体系及ISO9001质量管理体系认证并多次取得中国电子用户满意产品称号。As a professional manufacturer of high voltage rectifiers, TRHV High Voltage Rectifier Co., Ltd. offers high quality products to its worldwide customers for years in aerospace, military, power, electronics, telecommunication, medical and beauty instruments, instruments, traffic facility, petroleum, chemical, and environmental protection industries. Our products include a range of high voltage rectifier stacks, high voltage diodes, high voltage bridge rectifiers, voltage multiplier rectifier mo