本公司系浙江省重点骨干企业,占地9万平方米,直属二十多个分厂,专业生产世界各国标准电源、电线及电源线、插头、插座、灯具、线盘等。产品为现代国际通用的交、直流连接系列,为汽车电源、电脑微机、电子产品、家用电器、电动工具等系列整机配套。产品已获得美国UL、德国VDE、欧共体GS、CE、NF及国家CCEE安全认证。同时,公司已获IS9002质量体系认证。热忱欢迎国外新老客户光临惠顾。 This corporation is one of the key township enterprises in Zhejiang Province.With total area of 90002 and over 20 sub-factories manufacturing national standard power supply, wires, power cords, sockets, cable reels. Mainly to the power supply for automobile, the subsidiary of modern world general using connectors series AC. And DC.Such as PC electronics products, electrical appliances, dynamic tools. They have got safety approval of UL in USA, VDE ub Germany. GS, CE, NF in the European Economic Community, as well as Ch