高新电子技术的发展日新月异,业内竞争也日趋激烈,深圳市骏辉源科技有限公司(原康辉电子)从事电子行业十多年,虽然拥有一定的库存实力和客户群,但为了使企业规模能持续健康发展壮大,公司一改以往传统销售模式,努力将电子行业做成“服务行业”。我们的宗旨是:“帮客户买东西,而不只是卖东西给客户”,所以许多与我们交易的客户最后都能与我们保持良好的朋友关系,原因在于我们会用客户的角度去采购和配套,提供真正适合客户需求的产品,而不仅仅是将重点停留在价格质量等问题上。我们期待你的来电,我们将竭尽所能为你服务,我的朋友!With the exponential high-tech electronic development and the intense competition in the filed, Shenzhen JunHuiYuan Technology LTD.,(forme KINGFLY electronic) has been in the electronic field for more than ten years! We have solid and enormous stock and large quantity clients on the market; even so, we try to change our traditional sale mold to serve the sound development of the com