本公司主要经营液晶屏,显示器,液晶电视,库存液晶屏,二手屏,旧屏等。随着信息技术的飞跃发展和不同行业用户对电子产品应用的不断深入,公司一直致力于深刻了解不同领域用户的特殊需求,与用户建立长期紧密的合作伙伴关系,公司现在提供各种规格液晶屏<<可订购7-52寸>>品牌包括;AU、LG、群创、奇美、元太、上海广电等;公司秉承"顾客至上,锐意进取"的经营理念,坚持"客户"的原则为广大客户提供优质的服务。欢迎惠顾!Our company mainly deals with LCD monitor, LCD TV, LCD inventory, second-hand screen, etcWith the rapid development of IT and stronger demand for electronic products in various industries, we have been committed to a deep understanding of the special needs from customers in different areas, working closely with customers to establish a long-term partnership. Now we offer a variety of specifications LCD (7-52inch), including Auo, LG, Innolux, Chimei, PVI, SVA; etc.I