UNI-HOME LIGHTING LTD 东莞晶太灯饰有限公司,主要的以现代灯饰为主,欧式简约风格,时尚,高档。 UNI-HOME LIGHTING LTD, leading products are modern lamp with european simple style, modern and high quality. 多年来,我们一直坚持以品质,革新及服务为导向,因我们的付出及您的支持,使得我们能够在灯饰行业不断向上。 For years, we insist on quality, renovation and service, for our effort and your supports, we can continue improve on lighting field 我们为我们的产品品质能够达到世界标准而感到非常骄傲,我们在品质控制及保障上投入了大量的精力。以此获得了稳定的忠诚的客户。 We are proud of our products quality are achieved international standard, we have invest many energy to control and insure our products quality,so we can obtain steady and true customers. 我们公司位于东莞市,在灯饰行业,创新与品质是极为重要的,我们应用先进的工艺不断的开发新的产品。我们将在客户服务,设计创新及新产品的创作上不遗余力的做出努力,让我们一同努力让世界成为一个美丽且令人兴奋的明亮的世界。 Our company is located Dong Guan