文鼎科技有限公司(WINTURE TECHNOLOGY LIMITED ),作为提供全球专业电子零组件通路服务的领导厂商,文鼎科技已成功将公司定位为半导体上下游间的桥梁,提供的供应链管理服务予原厂及客户,并且以协助上游原厂订定产品行销方向、支援下游客户缩短研发时程为目标,不断深化在产业链上创造附加价值的能力,以富足的产品资源,扶助客户为己任,共创辉煌! 企业魂:能帮到你们解决问题,是我们存在的价值! Companies to introduce WINTURE technology limited shenzhen WINTURE technology limited, a subsidiary of WINTURE technology limited, WINTURE technology has successfully positioned the company as the best bridge between the upstream and downstream semiconductor industry, providing the most professional supply chain Management services to the original and customers, and to help the upstream manufacturers to set product marketing direction to support the downstream customers to shorten R D time as the goal, and continuously deepen the value chain in the indus!