东莞市凤岗桦烨五金位于交通便利,人杰地灵的东莞市凤岗镇,专业加工及经营家具五金及配件等产品,拥有先进的生产设备和一流的管理人才。自成立以来,一直贯彻着一丝不苟的敬业精神。始终坚持“以信誉求发展”的经营方针,实行一切“以人为本,以客为尊”的服务态度。使桦烨五金赢得了业界和客户的信赖和认可。产品远销国内外市场。 桦烨五金展望未来,将一如既往的为客户提供优质的产品和完善的售后服务,与客户共创双赢。欢迎各界朋友莅临东莞市凤岗桦烨五金参观、指导和业务洽谈。DongGuan FengGang HuaYe hardware CO.,LTD,locate at Fengderling industrial park FengGang town DongGuan city GuangDong province.Here have convenient communications and is a place glorified for the birth of heroes.We are professional in producing and researching furniture’s fitting hardware .Have sophisticated production equipment and scientific management system .We always believe better development will only based on good creditworthiness and service. Those let us be reliably in field,customer also highly recognized. products can sold home an