1.Introduction 简介 SYNFLEX is a leading German company in Europe and a certified supplier of Bosch, Siemens and other big German players in automotive, wind power, energy distribution industry, etc. Since our customers are investing and expanding in the whole world, there are a lot of mutual cooperating opportunities in our business field. 作为一家在欧洲的领先德国公司,迅斐利不但是博世、西门子的指定供应商,同时也供给其他行业的大型德国企业,如汽车、风能、能源分销业等。随着客户在全球范围内不断地投资和壮大,我们迎来了许多与客户在业内的相互合作机会。 We are mainly operating in the field of electrical insulation. Our customers make transformers, electric motors, generators, etc. Any manufacturer, who needs to wind enamelled copper wire, will need products from our wide-ranged product portfolio. 公司主营电气绝缘领域业务,客户大多生产变压器、电动马达、发电机等。迅斐利丰富多样的产品组合将满足任何涉及漆包铜线的生产厂商所需。 Our vast product portfolio includes 80 European brands. We are al