中亚特种陶瓷厂是江苏省工业陶瓷协会会员单位,位于风景优美的太湖之滨,104国道陶都宜兴段,环境优美、交通便利。公司专业生产氧化铝陶瓷、耐磨陶瓷、电子电器瓷件、纺织瓷件、陶瓷基片、各色九五瓷、九九瓷、高频瓷、钛瓷等。产品具有机械强度高、硬度大、耐磨损、耐高温、耐化学、腐蚀性好等特点。可广泛用于机械、电子、化工、纺织、冶金、建筑及航空航天等各领域。 我们愿与社会各界精诚合作,以优质的产品,优良的信誉,为您热忱服务。 Yixing Zhongya Special Ceramics factory located in the scenic Taihu coast, 104 State Road Tao is Yixing, the environment, transport facilities. Professional production companies porcelain pieces of electronic appliances, textile porcelain pieces, ceramics based films, 95 different porcelain, 99 porcelain, HF porcelain, titanium porcelain. Products with high mechanical strength, hardness large, resistant to wear and tear, withstand high temperatures, chemical resistance, corrosive characteristics of the good. Widely used in machinery, electronics, chemical, textile, metallur